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Category: Tennessee (Page 3 of 4)

LAF in the A.M. December 24th, 2014

A Morning Menu of LAF-Style Food News and Stories to Begin Your Day

El Charro New Concessionaire for Tucson’s Rillito Park Track

Greenwich, CT’s Méli-Mélo Looking to Expand

Chicago Writer Approves of Chicago Shake Shack

Graeter’s Coming to Chicago Region

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LAF in the A.M. December 19th, 2014

A Morning Menu of LAF-Style Food News and Stories to Begin Your Day

Top 40 Food Cities in U.S.

Tulsa Lobster

How to Spend Only a Few Hours in Chicago

An Interview with Tony Luke Jr.

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LAF in the A.M. December 4th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Arcade of Memphis to Stay Open for Dinner in 2015

Sylvan Park Restaurant on Franklin in Nashville to Close?

Dottie’s Diner of Woodbury, CT Moving

Now’s Your Chance to Try Your Hand at a Hot Brown

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LAF in the A.M. November 16th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

David’s Country Kitchen in NYC?

How to Get By at a BBQ Chain

Top 101 American Breakfasts, Says Playboy

Tony Luke’s Watch

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LAF in the A.M. November 12th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Smoked Turkey for Thanksgiving

If you plan to be in Memphis for Thanksgiving you might want to leave the turkey to one of the local barbecue shops. Many of them are offering smoked turkeys for Thanksgiving pickup. Check this story in the Memphis Commercial Appeal that runs down the Thanksgiving offerings at area restaurants. It’s not all barbecue but those are the ones that interest us the most. The Bar-B-Q Shop is offering 12- to 14-pounders for $45.95. 12- to 14-pounders at Central BBQ are running for $39.99. Germantown Commissary‘s smoked turkeys will cost you $41.95 up to $69.95, depending on the size. Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. November 7th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Leave Thanksgiving Dinner to Puckett’s Grocery

If you live near one of the Puckett’s Grocery restaurants in Nashville, Columbia, and Franklin, in Tennessee, you may find the day just got easier and, depending on your cooking skills, the food may have just improved, too. All three Puckett’s will be serving a midday Thanksgiving buffet dinner for $25 per adult. They’re also offering takeout that, by our Northeast standards, looks more than reasonably priced: they’ll roast or (even better!) smoke an 18-20-pound turkey for $75 (deep-fried for $90). Smoked pulled pork will run about $10/pound. Great sounding sides are also available, including cornbread dressing and broccoli and rice casserole. Check out their Thanksgiving takeout menu and procedures here. Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. November 5th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Publican Sausage On Shake Shack Chicago Menu

When Shake Shack enters a new market they always select some quality local ingredients for their menu. We noted previously how, in Chicago, they are offering concretes made with Chicago’s Bang Bang Pie and Glazed & Infused doughnuts, and they are also offering Vienna Beef hot dogs. There are two other local twists on the menu. Another concrete incorporates a chocolate bar made with Hawaiian black sea salt, burnt sugar caramel, and 70% cacao dark chocolate, from Chicago’s high-end chocolatier Vosges Haut-Chocolat. And there’s a Publican Pork Sausage, made by Chicago’s Publican Quality Meats, a high-quality butcher and lunch spot. The sausage is topped with Shack’s cheese sauce and crispy-fried, ale-marinated shallots. The Chicago Shack opened yesterday. Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. November 3rd, 2014

Gold and Fried Chicken

The Smith House in Dahlonega, Georgia is an inn with a history. The house was built atop a vein of gold that remained unmined because the 19th-century town fathers did not want the noise and disturbance to the town that mining would bring. Today, The Smith House is famous for the generous feasts they put out daily. You might want to give some thought to spending your Thanksgiving here, when The Smith House pulls out all the stops. Here’s what will be on this year’s Thanksgiving menu: Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. November 2nd, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

The Cherry Hut’s Pies Available for the Holidays

The Cherry Hut has been known for things cherry in northern Michigan since 1922. The restaurant in Beulah has closed for the season but, as is the usual practice, they keep a storefront open in nearby Bensonia where folks can purchase jams, jellies, candies, dried cherries, and anything else that they can stick cherries into. They’ll also ship those products. Unfortunately, up until this year, they never offered their famous cherry pies for sale once the restaurant closed in October. This year, for the first time, the Bensonia store will offer The Cherry Hut’s cherry pies! Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. November 1st, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Eat Pizza, Drink Beer, Help the Community

The Portland Pie Co., based in Portland, Maine, was founded in 1997. PPC offers four kinds of dough, including basil, wheat, garlic, and beer, and exotic combinations of toppings. They also like to be good community citizens. They work with area groups by often designating one evening, usually a Thursday, when they donate a portion of their receipts to a designated charity or community group. Usually the donation is something like a buck a pizza. Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. October 29th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

The Future of Katz’s Deli

The ever-present disquieting thought in the backs of the minds of New York deli mavens, as they wait for their Katz’s Deli slicer to build their pastrami sandwich is, how long can this good thing last? The neighborhood keeps improving, real estate prices keep rising, yet here remains Katz’s, slicing cured meats since 1888. In Jordan Weissmann’s fascinating story for Slate about Katz’s, and its owner Jake Dell, we learn that there are additional financial pressures on the deli business in general. For instance, wholesale brisket prices have tripled since just 1988. Delis pretty much sell cured meat as a loss leader, making most of their profit on everything else. Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. October 26th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Oysters and Beer in Brooklyn

There are now three franchises of New York City’s venerable Grand Central Oyster Bar: in Newark Airport, in Tokyo, and, since December of last year, in Brooklyn. Currently, the Brooklyn location is running a special fall beer and oyster pairing menu. Four oysters with four five-ounce beers sounds like a great idea and, at $14.95, a great deal too. Read about Kate Kolenda’s experience with the pairings at The Daily Meal. Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. October 22nd, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

America’s Best Pizza, Chosen by Food & Wine

Top Pot Watch

Ina Pinkney Comes Home

Attack of the Killer Pumpkins!

Sad News from Memphis

Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me! Tries the Pitts-burger

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LAF in the A.M. October 21st, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Good Eats in Revere MA

CNN Ranks the 12 Best Meat-Eating Cities in the U.S.

Comedian Jim Gaffigan Loves Eating, Especially in Chicago

A Visit with the Owner of Geno’s Steaks

Difficult Times for the Owners of Mr. Mac’s Canteen

Shake Shack Watch

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