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Category: Fort Worth

Legends of Texas Barbecue

Published in 2002, Robb Walsh’s Legends of Texas Barbecue, Recipes and Recollections from the Pit Bosses is nominally a cook book but in reality a tour through the varied world of Texas barbecue. For those who view the story of Texas Q as the story of smoked brisket and beef sausage, the book is an eye-opener, revealing the Lone Star State’s wide-ranging smoked meat traditions. Mr. Walsh has just released a revised edition of his book (with a slightly revised title: Pit Bosses has been changed to the slightly more egalitarian Pitmasters). Continue reading

Gus’s Fried Chicken Hits Knoxville TN Early 2016

Gus’s Fried Chicken, which began life in the 1950s in the small town of Mason, Tennessee, northeast of Memphis, will be opening their 13th store early next year in Knoxville, TN. That’s not all for the spicy-crusted bird that many folks put on their top-ten lists. By early 2016 there should also be new stores in Los Angeles, Detroit, Fort Worth, and Kansas City (where it will face especially stiff competition). Future stores are in the works for St. Louis and Philadelphia.

Fuel City Bringing its Tacos to Fort Worth

Cheap gas, 69 cent a bag ice, live longhorns, donkeys, zebras, and camels, karaoke nights that require off-duty cops to direct traffic — and if that’s not enough, some of the best, and cheapest, tacos to be had in the Lone Star State. Yes, Fuel City in Dallas is not your ordinary gas station. Word has traveled and made the concept a success, so that a second Fuel City opened in Lufkin, and a third will open later this year in Mesquite. Latest news is that a fourth Fuel City will open in Fort Worth next summer, with a fifth to follow near Joe Pool Lake. A cheap-gas-and-tacos dynasty in the making — God Bless America!

LAF in the A.M. December 6th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Meet the Southern Cake Queen of Charlotte NC

How Are Those Burgers at Billy Goat Tavern in Chicago?

Jacques Torres’ Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

A Truck Stop In the Middle of Nowhere

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LAF in the A.M. November 23rd, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Po-Boy Fest in NOLA Today

Review of Arthur Bryant’s Sauce

Looking Back at Hope Lancarte, Matriarch of Joe T. Garcia’s

Two Limited Edition Holiday Flavors at Garrett

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LAF in the A.M. October 21st, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Good Eats in Revere MA

CNN Ranks the 12 Best Meat-Eating Cities in the U.S.

Comedian Jim Gaffigan Loves Eating, Especially in Chicago

A Visit with the Owner of Geno’s Steaks

Difficult Times for the Owners of Mr. Mac’s Canteen

Shake Shack Watch

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