A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting
Fralinger’s Salt Water Taffy Escaping the Boardwalk
Zachary Levi Visits Cafe du Monde for The Getaway
Shooting, Robbery at Kevin’s Hamburger Heaven in Chicago
An Interview with Tony Luke Jr.
Fralinger’s Salt Water Taffy Escaping the Boardwalk
Fralinger’s and their famous salt water taffy has been an Atlantic City boardwalk icon since 1885. As kids we used to love peering through the front windows from the boards, watching the big taffy pulling machines in action, and seeing the candy makers pour the hot fudge from the kettles onto marble slabs, then scraping up the fudge around the edges and folding it over repeatedly. We loved the idea of salt water taffy, because the candy never tasted the least bit salty (it’s sold near the sea, hence the salt water moniker; they use no more salt than in other taffy).

Fralinger’s taffy pieces are two inches long. James’ taffy is shorter, “Cut to Fit the Mouth.” It’s also said to be softer and less sticky.
Even today, Fralinger’s taffy is sold only at five New Jersey boardwalk locations (three of them in Atlantic City) and by mail. Except this Christmas season, when Fralinger’s will be sold at Hamilton Mall in Mays Landing. James’ taffy, a longtime competitor (and now owned by the same company) will also be available at the mall.
Zachary Levi Visits Cafe du Monde for The Getaway
The Getaway is a new show, produced by Tony Bourdain, on the Esquire Channel (raise your hand if you get the Esquire Channel). Zachary Levi hosts the NOLA show and he pays a visit to Cafe du Monde:
Shooting, Robbery at Kevin’s Hamburger Heaven in Chicago
We really like the burgers at Kevin’s Hamburger Heaven in Chicago on the South Side, but we always make a point of visiting in the daytime. Here’s why:
An Interview with Tony Luke Jr.
How does Tony Luke Jr. (founder of cheesesteak and Italian pork sandwich experts Tony Luke’s) order his cheesesteaks? He takes the guts out of the roll, he cooks the meat with onions and long hots, and he uses no cheese. And he thinks “ketchup on a steak is the biggest atrocity in the world.” How do we know this? The Lehigh Valley’s Morning Call interviewed him recently. See the whole interview here.
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