the road | the food | a new direction

Category: Le Mars

Love in 2015 for Archie’s Waeside of Iowa

Looking to try the best steaks across America? Then you’d better plan a stop in Le Mars, Iowa to visit Archie’s Waeside. Archie’s hasn’t exactly lived its 60+ years in anonymity — it’s well-known among regional food aficionados — but neither has it been as readily acknowledged nationally as, say, Peter Luger in Brooklyn, NY. That situation, apparently, is being corrected. This year, Archie’s was the recipient of a James Beard American Classic Award. Rachael Ray selected it as America’s fourth best steakhouse. And Yahoo! recently named it the best steak in Iowa. What Archie Jackson started in 1949 is finally receiving the love it deserves. And Iowans are proud.

LAF in the A.M. March 4th, 2015

A Morning Menu of LAF-Style Food News and Stories to Begin Your Day


New England Diner Cookbook

When Irish Fries Are Smiling

Graeter’s Doubling Gelato Offerings; 4 New Flavors

A Closer Look at Archie’s Waeside of Iowa

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LAF in the A.M. February 28th, 2015

A Morning Menu of LAF-Style Food News and Stories to Begin Your Day


5 America’s Classics Named for 2015

Two New Boston-Area Shake Shacks Opening Next Week

KC Star Reviews Snead’s in Belton

Secret to Getting a No-Wait Seat at Al’s Breakfast of MPLS

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LAF in the A.M. November 14th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Viva La Local in Tucson This Sunday

Viva La Local is returning this Sunday to Rillito Raceway Park in Tucson, Arizona. The food festival debuted in spring 2014 and was such a big hit that organizers hope to make it a twice-yearly event. There will be over 80 farmers market vendors in attendance, 25 local restaurants, and several area wineries and breweries, along with music by Tucson bands. They are offering bike valet service and will store your farmers market purchases in a refrigerated truck (be sure to tell them not to refrigerate your tomatoes)  while you enjoy the festival! Proceeds go to help support the Heirloom Farmers Market. Continue reading

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