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Category: Delaware

Checking in at: Seafood City, Felton DE

Our fried flounder sandwich and crab cake sandwich were quite ordinary but it’s really unfair to judge Seafood City based on that. This place is known for steamed crabs. We stopped in at 11AM, as soon as they opened for the day, for a quick lunch. We were, of course, their first customers. And we weren’t about to tear into a pile of crabs right then – we had to hit the road. Continue reading

Moomers of Michigan Named America’s Best Ice Cream Parlor

They were named the makers of the nation’s best ice cream in 2008 by Good Morning America; they were chosen as Michigan’s second best ice cream parlor by MLive in 2012; and now, in 2016, USAToday’s 10Best poll has crowned Moomers Homemade Ice Cream of Traverse City, MI as the king of America’s ice cream parlors. Are you starting to get the idea that Moomers makes some pretty good ice cream? Third place Doumar’s of Norfolk, VA is famous for the invention of the ice cream cone. Coming in tenth (out of 20 finalists chosen by a team of experts) is our personal favorite ice cream spot, Woodside Farm Creamery of Hockessin, DE, where you can gaze upon the herd of Jerseys that produced the ice cream you are at that moment licking.

Turkey America

As Thanksgiving approaches each year, foodie articles begin to pop up bemoaning the so-called flavorless turkey accompanied by starchy and sweet dull sides. We cry Scrooge (or whoever the embodiment of Thanksgiving humbuggery is)! We love the sides and we adore the flavor of the bird — and make no mistake about it, turkey HAS flavor, although it may take an unjaded palate to appreciate it. Label us unjaded, because we don’t limit our turkey feasting to the fourth Thursday of November. And neither, apparently, does Larry Olmsted, as evidenced by his survey, for USA Today, of eateries across America that do right by the bird all year round. Continue reading

Delaware State Fair, Harrington DE, July 23rd through August 1st

Delaware used to hold the first state fair of summer until California jumped ahead of them by two weeks. So what is now the 2nd state fair of the season will begin on Thursday, July 23rd and will continue through Saturday, August 1st. If a Livestock Extravaganza (July 28th), the Dairy Goat Milking Contest (July 29th), harness racing (July 30th), or a Chickin Pickin’ Contest (July 25th) is your kind of fun (it’s ours!), start making plans now. Continue reading

Checking In at: Woodside Farm Creamery, Hockessin DE

The scenario: two flavors in one cup (or on one cone). The question: is it important to coordinate the flavors? That was the discussion between Sue and Bruce as we exchanged spoonfuls of our cup of lemon coconut topped with peanut butter and jelly. The lemon in the lemon coconut was gentle, evoking the light lemon flavor of lemon cake rather than the tart lemon of, say, lemonade. The jelly in the peanut butter and jelly was strawberry, a better choice than grape, even if it evokes the sandwich less accurately. Continue reading

Bring Banana, Get 1/2-Price Banana Split at Woodside Farm in DE

Woodside Farm Creamery of Hockessin, Delaware (just outside of Wilmington) makes good ice cream. Really good ice cream. From the milk from their own cows. This ice cream is so good that we always get it straight, with no sauces or toppings or whipped cream to interfere with the enjoyment of ice cream perfection. We make one exception to that rule, however. That’s on opening day each spring, when Woodside Farm runs their BYOB special: bring your own banana and get half off a banana split! That happens this Saturday, March 21st. See you there – we’ll be the ones with a whole banana bunch for those sad banana-less souls.

LAF in the A.M. January 18th, 2015

A Morning Menu of LAF-Style Food News and Stories to Begin Your Day


Farm Fresh Eggs at Woodside Farm Creamery of DE

10 Family Restaurants in ATL

Barbecue Sauce Map of the Carolinas

5 Great Fried Chicken Spots

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Woodside Farm Creamery, Hockessin DE


Woodside Farm calls their ice cream “Farm Fresh,” and this is literally true. The ice cream they make and sell is produced from milk provided by the Jersey cows right here on their farm. This ice cream is extraordinarily thick and dense, with an almost chewy texture. It’s not too sweet, and as it warms up it softens rather than melts into a puddle. The milk from the small Jersey cows on this farm is especially rich in butterfat and protein, and the resulting ice cream, no matter which flavor you choose, tastes most of all of dairy richness. This is among the finest ice creams we’ve ever had the pleasure of spooning into, but its creamy intensity might be too overwhelming for daily consumption. Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. November 16th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

David’s Country Kitchen in NYC?

How to Get By at a BBQ Chain

Top 101 American Breakfasts, Says Playboy

Tony Luke’s Watch

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Capriotti’s, Wilmington DE


Turkey sandwiches are a “thing” in Delaware. Oh, sure, you can get a turkey sandwich anywhere. It’s generally made with wet, gelatinous-textured deli turkey, and that’s fine for what it is. But Delaware is different: here, more than anywhere else we’ve been, the turkey often comes from a freshly roasted bird. Continue reading

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