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Category: Milford

Checking in at: Milford Point Brewing, Milford CT

The brewery started last year, and the taproom’s only been open since April. Milford Point is a nano brewery, the term used nowadays to signify a very small scale brewing operation. For most of their first year they gave tastings, filled growlers, and sold kegs to local bars. Finally, with their tap room, folks can stop by for a fresh pint. They are Milford’s first brewing operation and, only a year later, they are, by our count, one of three Milford breweries. It’s a hot time for brewing! Continue reading

Milford Oyster Festival, Milford CT, August 14th and 15th 2015

The 41st annual Milford Oyster Festival, in Connecticut, begins Friday night (known as Oyster Eve) with four events: Party-All-Eve (live music, oysters, beer), Sail-All-Eve (schooner cruises), Ride-All-Eve (carnival rides), and Stroll-All-Eve (sidewalk sale). Saturday’s Food Courts at Fowler Field and Lisman Landing will offer a wide selection, including foot long hot dogs, lobster rolls, crab cakes, corn on the cob, clam chowder, fried clams, fried oysters, fried shrimp, fresh clams, fried dough, crab rolls, and grinders. Continue reading

Hot Oil Pies Coming to Norwalk CT

Colony Grill, begun in Stamford, Connecticut in 1935, has achieved a measure of fame for their hot oil-topped thin-crust bar pizzas. They’ve announced the future opening of a fourth location, at 515 West Avenue in Norwalk, for this summer. It’s going into a new major development called Waypointe. The three existing Colony Grills can be found in Stamford, Fairfield, and Milford.

LAF in the A.M. November 6th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Everything, Available Everywhere

When Shake Shack comes to Chicago and Billy Goat goes to Washington, and the Big Apple gets a Garrett’s, and Marshall Field’s is now Macy’s… does it all become less special? Phil Rosenthal of the Chicago Tribune takes the opportunity, with the arrival of Shake Shack in the Windy City, to look at the effect of all this regional homogenization. Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. October 21st, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Good Eats in Revere MA

CNN Ranks the 12 Best Meat-Eating Cities in the U.S.

Comedian Jim Gaffigan Loves Eating, Especially in Chicago

A Visit with the Owner of Geno’s Steaks

Difficult Times for the Owners of Mr. Mac’s Canteen

Shake Shack Watch

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