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Tag: best pie in Michigan

LAF in the A.M. November 6th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Everything, Available Everywhere

When Shake Shack comes to Chicago and Billy Goat goes to Washington, and the Big Apple gets a Garrett’s, and Marshall Field’s is now Macy’s… does it all become less special? Phil Rosenthal of the Chicago Tribune takes the opportunity, with the arrival of Shake Shack in the Windy City, to look at the effect of all this regional homogenization. Continue reading

LAF in the A.M. November 2nd, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

The Cherry Hut’s Pies Available for the Holidays

The Cherry Hut has been known for things cherry in northern Michigan since 1922. The restaurant in Beulah has closed for the season but, as is the usual practice, they keep a storefront open in nearby Bensonia where folks can purchase jams, jellies, candies, dried cherries, and anything else that they can stick cherries into. They’ll also ship those products. Unfortunately, up until this year, they never offered their famous cherry pies for sale once the restaurant closed in October. This year, for the first time, the Bensonia store will offer The Cherry Hut’s cherry pies! Continue reading

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