A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting
Wolfgang’s Steakhouse Coming to NJ
Top 5 Pizzas in Connecticut
Texas Fried Chicken Throw Down
Cranberry Island Kitchen of Freeport, Maine specializes in what they call “gourmet” whoopie pies. They use butter from Kate’s in Old Orchard Beach, spring water, local eggs from free-range chickens, organic vanilla, Maine sea salt… They make pumpkin whoopies filled with maple syrup-spiked cream cheese, chocolate or vanilla whoopies with raspberry filling, chocolate Christmas tree-shaped whoopies filled with peppermint cream… yeah, they are entitled to use the word gourmet. WCSH recently paid a visit to Carol Ford and Cranberry Island Kitchen. Have a look:
Wolfgang’s Steakhouse Coming to NJ
Wolfgang Zweiner spent decades as head waiter at Brooklyn’s legendary Peter Luger steakhouse, where he learned more than a thing or two. So it was no surprise that when he hung out his own shingle in Manhattan, Wolfgang’s Steakhouse bore more than a passing resemblance to his previous employer. It’s been a huge success at that; he now has four Manhattan locations, with additional restaurants in Hawaii, Florida, California, and Tokyo. Soon to come: Somerville, New Jersey. Opening is expected sometime this winter.
Top 5 Pizzas in Connecticut

Briny, salty, garlicky, juicy, oily, toasty, chewy… Pepe’s New Haven, CT white clam pizza is the perfect food!
Connecticut makes the best pizza in the U.S., so a list of the top five pizzerias in The Nutmeg State is worth more than a look. The Daily Meal produced just such a list, giving top honors to Pepe’s of New Haven, for their white clam pie. We couldn’t agree more.
Texas Fried Chicken Throw Down
There’s some talk of a fried chicken throw down between Houston and Austin, TX. The plan was hatched recently by Royer’s Round Top Cafe and Jack Allen’s Kitchen, both representing Austin. They’re talking spring of next year but nothing’s definite yet. Now to figure out how to become a judge at the event…
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