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Category: Wells

LAF in the A.M. March 4th, 2015

A Morning Menu of LAF-Style Food News and Stories to Begin Your Day


New England Diner Cookbook

When Irish Fries Are Smiling

Graeter’s Doubling Gelato Offerings; 4 New Flavors

A Closer Look at Archie’s Waeside of Iowa

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LAF in the A.M. November 3rd, 2014

Gold and Fried Chicken

The Smith House in Dahlonega, Georgia is an inn with a history. The house was built atop a vein of gold that remained unmined because the 19th-century town fathers did not want the noise and disturbance to the town that mining would bring. Today, The Smith House is famous for the generous feasts they put out daily. You might want to give some thought to spending your Thanksgiving here, when The Smith House pulls out all the stops. Here’s what will be on this year’s Thanksgiving menu: Continue reading

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