the road | the food | a new direction

Category: Sioux City

Sioux City’s Daily Grind Reborn as Grind Cafe & Lounge

Tiffany Parsons baked cupcakes for Sioux City, IA’s premier coffeehouse, The Daily Grind, before eventually purchasing it a few years ago. Coffee and pastries in the morning, soups, salads, and sandwiches for lunch, and, in the evening? Aye, there’s the rub — coffee houses are not ideally suited to serving evening customers and, like The Daily Grind, they usually close before dinner. Tiffany, having none of it, chose a different route starting this March, adding nighttime pizza and appetizers along with wine, beer, and cocktails. She rechristened her space The Grind Cafe & Lounge, hoping to attract a new clientele while continuing to serve her longtime customers. Read more here.

Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes

Sioux City, Iowa’s Daily Grind is known for their terrific homemade cinnamon rolls (as well as, of course, their coffee drinks). But we just read about a variation on the cinnamon roll from Daily Grind that we’re anxious to try: the cinnamon roll cupcake. It’s made with a cinnamon batter and topped with cinnamon/sour cream frosting. One of those with a double espresso and our day in The Hawkeye State would be off to a grand beginning!

LAF in the A.M. November 14th, 2014

A Morning Menu of Stories We Think You’ll Find Interesting

Viva La Local in Tucson This Sunday

Viva La Local is returning this Sunday to Rillito Raceway Park in Tucson, Arizona. The food festival debuted in spring 2014 and was such a big hit that organizers hope to make it a twice-yearly event. There will be over 80 farmers market vendors in attendance, 25 local restaurants, and several area wineries and breweries, along with music by Tucson bands. They are offering bike valet service and will store your farmers market purchases in a refrigerated truck (be sure to tell them not to refrigerate your tomatoes)  while you enjoy the festival! Proceeds go to help support the Heirloom Farmers Market. Continue reading

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