Hubcap burgers at Cotham’s in Arkansas… the original burger on toast at Louis’ Lunch in Connecticut… thin, crisp-edged burgers at The Workingman’s Friend in Indiana…green chile cheeseburgers at the Buckhorn Tavern in New Mexico… these are four of the 51 burgers selected as the best in each state by Business Insider. The selections are apparently a research and compilation job, in which most of the burgers were named in a previous local media poll or competition. Nonetheless, it’s a mouthwatering project to peruse for American burger lovers.

Have you had the burger at Krug’s Tavern in Newark yet?
No – maybe next time you’re down?
Sounds like a plan…but I’m NOT taking you to the #1 Mass. place in Springfield. I haven’t been, but I lived there for long enough to know that it’s a food wasteland. Plus, we all know that the #1 Mass. burger is at Savenor’s anyway.
I DO expect to be taken to Savenor’s, however.