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Giordano’s Bringing Chicago Pizza to Denver

One of Chicago’s big deep-dish pizza specialists, Giordano’s, is planning to enter the Denver, Colorado market with a company-owned restaurant by summer of next year. A location has not yet been chosen but downtown is a likely landing spot. That first Denver restaurant will be followed by additional franchised stores. How’d they choose Denver? They judge suitability by the volume of mail-ordered frozen pizzas that get sent there! Read more here.


  1. Kathy LaFave

    Yay! I’ve been to the one in Chicago. I’m stoked!

  2. Chuckie

    Castle rock, CO is opening the largest mall in america. The promenade. Please open a giordanos here. Please. I’m from chicago and nobody has anything close to our pizza back home in chicago. Please

  3. Catherine Hanisits

    Please please please!!!! I grew up on the south side of Chicago and we need Chicago pizza in Northwest Denver.

  4. Shana Criswell

    Update please!?

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