A Morning Menu of LAF-Style Food News and Stories to Begin Your Day
Skyline Chili Watch
NYC: Deli Capital
Marty’s Donut Land of Ipswich Has Closed
Canadian Columnist Samples NOLA Fried Chicken
Skyline Chili Watch
The latest Skyline Chili just opened in the city of Taylor Mill, a Kentucky suburb of Cincinnati. For those of you new to the regional food specialty known as Cincinnati chili, Skyline is one of the major local chains that specialize in the stuff. What is it? Start with a bed of well-cooked spaghetti, top it with a chili that’s more Greek-accented-sweet than hot, then pile on a huge mound of fluffy mild shredded cheddar. That’s 3-way. Add beans or onions and you’ve got 4-way. Add both for 5-way. The shopping center Skyline calls home also features a Graeter’s. Now there’s a nice 2-way punch!
NYC: Deli Capital

Hand-carved hot pastrami at Katz’s Deli – this one looks to have been ordered extra lean, not a great idea.
New Jersey Newsroom checks out New York City Jewish delis, with particular attention paid to old-timers Katz’s and 2nd Ave.
Marty’s Donut Land of Ipswich Has Closed
It’s bad enough that someone stole the famous portrait of Marty Cohen off the wall of Marty’s Donut Land of Ipswich, MA in October. Now we read that the fiercely old-school donut shop closed last weekend. No word yet on why, if it’s been sold, or if it will reopen at some future date. We always enjoyed Marty’s as our breakfast commissary during fried clam visits to the area.
Canadian Columnist Samples NOLA Fried Chicken
A columnist for the Ontario newspaper The Community Press travels to New Orleans and writes about his experience at the new Willie Mae’s on St. Charles, which many writers have said makes the best fried chicken in the country. He seemed to like it alright. Was his subdued reaction just a result of old-fashioned Canadian understatedness? Or is he still awaiting his American fried chicken epiphany?
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