The Apple Pie Jamboree began in 1947 as way to raise money for the local hospital. The festival continued in fits and starts over the years – the next Jamboree was held in 1950 but stopped after the ’57 party. It wasn’t until 1969 that the festivities took hold for good in Pateros. Those early years featured raffles of refrigerators and an 800-pound steer. In a scene foreshadowing a classic episode of a ’70s sitcom, one year live chickens were tossed off the roofs of local buildings! Yes, much has changed over the years but the apple pie remains.
The apple pie baking contest takes place on Saturday – bring your pie to the judging booth by 1:30 p.m.! There’ll also be homemade apple pies for sale throughout the festival. Friday night’s festival opening will feature pie and ice cream in the park from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Breakfast will be served in the park Saturday and Sunday, and the famous sloppy Joes, along with more apple pie, will be available starting at 11 a.m. On Saturday evening, enjoy a salmon dinner hosted by the local high school seniors.
There will be plenty of live music, vendors, a quilt show, a parade, kids games, bingo, and fireworks Saturday night. Some of the special events include a bass tournament, a Jog-a-Thon, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, Jet Ski racing, a Samaritan Riders benefit, and a street dance. See the Jamboree website for all the pertinent details.
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